Why not visit the actual website, you jerk?

Hugs and kisses, LividFiction. ;)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Last of the big updates.

Well, that was fast. All the changes I wanted to make that I mentioned in the previous post, were made fairly quickly in today's update. I didn't go through the descriptions yet, though. That's something I'll save for later. Two things made updating the site quick and easy: (1) I found a copy of my unkempt HTML file that was very close to the last version that had been on the server, which last version was made 17 December 2010, and (2) I discovered that the program I'd been using was one Balthisar Tidy, a GUI port of HTML Tidy for Mac OS X, the latest, and likely last, version of which is a Universal Binary. (Fun fact: Freehostia hadn't been mucking around with my code. The strange CSS I saw had been done by Balthisar, as it cleans up everything.)

Content-wise, here are a few things that changed:
  • I added "Which Ween Costumes," which was added a week after "A Decemberween Mackerel," and which I apparently never added to the Text Listing.
  • Basically all the red text is gone, by which I mean has been commented out.
  • The blog's shoutout has been changed to match its current name.
  • Episode titles have been cleaned up.
Now all that's left is to get the toon and game descriptions as good as I care to make them, which means pretty damn good, and make sure all running times and release dates are accurate as per The Wiki.

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