Why not visit the actual website, you jerk?

Hugs and kisses, LividFiction. ;)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Oh happy day!

Well hey there, folks. I've got some good news for you. The Brothers Chaps have updated HomestarRunner.com. And it's not an "update" like the one when they posted their new calendar, it's a full-fledged, honest-to-God cartoon. Not just a cartoon, mind you, but a holiday cartoon, a Decemberween cartoon. It's called "A Decemberween Mackerel." Go on and watch it. Visit the wiki page if you want to read a line of dialogue you didn't understand. Check out the Text Listing and see that I actually updated it.

So what do I think of "Mackerel"? It's rather good. It's not quite as good as "A Death-Defying Decemberween" or "Homestar Presents: Presents," but it definitely holds its own. Seeing Marzipan in a major role for the first time in years was definitely appreciated; Homestar's cluelessness was amusing at every point; Senor Cardgage as a main character was unexpected and worked well; and Strong Bad's conclusion at the end fit with the non-sequitur-ness of it all. Timing in this cartoon was tight, and the voices sounded like they did four or five years ago, right when they were at the tail end of their prime.

It's a nice break in the hiatus. Hopefully we'll see more come the new year. Peace out, y'all.

UPDATE (12/17, 8:57PM EST): If the resolution on the official page is too big for your monitor, try it in Grey Small-O-Vision or Corkboard Small-O-Vision (11:47PM).

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Wow, the Brothers Chaps didn't update for Halloween this year. I don't know what this means for Homestar Runner, but I sure hope it doesn't mean the good times are over. The characters are too quirky and TBC's humor too fun for the website to not be a creative force for another ten years.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Long time comin'

"Long time comin'." Get it? You know, instead of "Long Train Runnin' "? Sorry, I just had that stuck in my head 'cause the Marching Chiefs played it at halftime yesterday. Go 'Noles! What was I talkin' about? Right, I was telling myself to stop acting like Kerry James Evans. That guy's a badass, by the way. Just thought you'd want to know.

Speaking of know, you know what all this pointless rambling means. I've finally updated the Text Listing! Head on over and see for yourself. Seeing as The Brothers Chaps haven't been doing regular updates since November 2009, and there hasn't been any new material since "Xeriouxly Forxe" and its accompanying menu, I figured I'd look productive and all by adding everything that's been added to HSR since April 2009 to HSRTL. And if you followed that sentence without any trouble, congratulations, you're Hunter S. Thompson reincarnated. Go read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Do us all a favor.

And do me a favor and don't get all pissy about TBC's lack of updates. They're working on a feature film entitled Monster Safari. If they miss Halloween this year, we know the site's done. If not, we know it's still near and dear to their hearts, and we'll probably see regular updates resume in the spring. Longest hiatus ever for them, and I hope it never happens again. Peace out.
The Homestar Runner Text Listing and its blog are a PARKXVI project.
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